Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Most People Believe They Understand Global Warming

     In the ongoing debate about the cause of the issue of global warming, it seems that an answer to the problem is still not going to be universally accepted. As this article points out, democrats and republicans simply cannot come to a middle ground on the issue. Republicans believe that the warming is caused by natural fluctuations in the earth’s climate, while democrats believe the rise in temperature is due to human caused reasons. Either way, both sides admit there is a problem with the warming. That is a huge change in this longstanding battle.

     The article points out that most people believe they have a firm grasp of what global warming is, and what effects it will have on our planet. Scientists still warn that despite what people may believe, only time will tell if their predictions will be true or not. Hopefully, their predictions are false. "If the scientists are right, evidence of climate change will become more visible and dramatic in the decades ahead. Arctic sea ice, for example, provides one closely watched harbinger of planetary change. In its 2007 report the IPCC projected that late-summer Arctic sea ice could disappear before the end of the 21st century. Since that report was written, steeper-than-expected declines have led to suggestions that summer sea ice might be largely gone by 2030, and some think much sooner."


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